Chezum’s Treasures is a shop that offers you a variety of vintage, antique and collectible merchandise Over the years I have developed a love for antiques and vintage products. Their simplicity and durability gives them a wonderful appealing charm. I began selling these items because I was looking for a way to express my passion and beliefs. I wanted to share that passion with others. Etsy and this shop provided me with that opportunity. This business was developed on two basic principles, keeping the past alive and treating people with the respect and courtesy they deserve. To accomplish these goals I first decided to offer quality merchandise from days gone by. These items are from a time when things were meant to last, unlike the throw-away products of today. I try to be open and transparent about the products I offer and their condition. Secondly I strive for excellent customer service. I treat my customers like they were treated in the good-old days, as friends and neighbors at the local country mercantile and not just a number. Chezum’s Treasures welcomes you to my shop. I hope your stroll down memory lane is a fun and pleasant one. If there is anything I can do to make your shopping experience more enjoyable, via more pictures or information, please let me know. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact me. I may have it in my inventory or may be able to locate it for you. Enjoy your shopping.